Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nighty Night Girlies!

At the end of a really long day do you ever get that feeling where all you want to do is climb in bed and relax? That is exactly what I feel like now. Right about now I am planning to put my computer to sleep for the night and call it a day. My bath has been taken, my face has been washed, and my tea has been drinken. I think I will read a little bit of the book I am reading currently, Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I can do a review on it if you want. Ohmigosh is that picture not the
cutest thing you have ever seen!? It has some of my favorite things ever-
pink, fuzzy blankets, and golden retriever puppies. I think I will explode from the cuteness =). Thanks for reading, good night!

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